Dear Bus 8 Families:
Unfortunately, due to a shortage of bus drivers, the Bus 8 route has been canceled for both morning and afternoon riders tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12th. Again, there will be no bussing for Bus 8 tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your flexibility.

Tap into your creative side and create a t-shirt design that could be displayed in The Lighthouse school store! The winner gets a FREE T-SHIRT with personalization and their customer tee displayed in our very own school store. Design deadline: April 1. Design Voting: April 11. The Rules: Your design must contain a lighthouse or ram head, your design must be school colors (purple, gold, black, and white, and your design must be school appropriate. Submit your designs to Mr. Bouve at mbouve@shps.org

SHHS will host a scheduling information meeting for parents with students currently in grades 8-11 on Wednesday, March 23 in the HS ILC from 6-6:45pm. Also, students met today with counselors and received a form regarding scheduling for next year that needs to be signed and turned in by March 28.

Sophomores -- Early College Academy applications are due TODAY!

4th Annual Cinderella Project
All area teens are welcome.
*One Guest Per Shopper*
Our wish for you is to leave with a FREE gown or formal dress!
Sunday, March 20th, 2022, 10am-3pm.
Event Location:
Harvey House Salon
29063 E. Red Arrow Hwy
Paw Paw, MI 49079

March is “Spread the Word: Inclusion Month” and SHPS students are championing the messages of inclusivity and belonging throughout the district! Through the work of Ms. Jen Otto and the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) program, high school students are taking action to ensure people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are valued, respected, embraced, and included in classrooms and in the community. Students are also proudly wearing Spread the Word gear throughout March thanks to START grant funding from the Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. To sign a pledge please visit https://www.spreadtheword.global/pledge.
SHPS students are also working with South Haven business leaders to help create safe spaces for their neurodiverse peers in public. Working with Mr. Scott Moore of Moore Theaters, South Haven Michigan Theater will host 2 auditory and visual sensitive screenings for SHPS students and their families at the end of March.

Good luck to our swimmers as they head to the State Finals!!

REMINDER: All students wishing to participate in spring sports MUST have a sports physical completed by a physician ON OR AFTER April 15, 2021. Athletes without a physical cannot play or practice.

FIVE DAYS until local scholarships and FAFSA are due!

High School Band and Orchestra Concert TONIGHT in Listiak Auditorium at 7:00pm.
The concert will feature the Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, String Orchestra, and Concert Band!

Reminder: There is no A.M. Tech Center tomorrow 2/23.

Local Scholarships are DUE IN 8 DAYS
You will be able to apply for multiple scholarships from local donors with one online application. This is your best opportunity to be awarded scholarship money because these scholarships are only available to seniors attending South Haven High School. Don't wait until the last minute to apply because a few of the scholarships require small essays and/or recommendations. Please see Mrs. Netzley with any questions. https://southhavencf.awardspring.com/

Seniors! Please, stop in the Student Success Center to check the spelling of your name for your diplomas!

Students may only park in the back of the school, near the tennis courts. If you are coming to school late, after the doors are locked, you may park in the front parking lot but you MUST park in the spots farthest from the building, nearest the street. Tech students- you must park in the back parking lot, nearest the tennis courts, and walk through the school to get to your bus. You may not park in the front.

Have you filed your FAFSA yet? March 1st is the deadline to file FAFSA and be considered for state aid in Michigan. If you plan to attend college, you should file. So much money in student aid is left unused because students don't file. Last year, $3.75 billion nationwide was left unclaimed and over $89 million went unclaimed in Michigan. File your FAFSA to take advantage of the aid available to you! Please see Mrs. Netzley for help filing.

Semi-Formal Dance, Saturday, February 12, from 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Location: SHHS Cafeteria
Cost: $10.00.
Details: Masks required & concession stand will be open - bring cash.
Contact Vandy with questions svanderroest@shps.org

Sophomores- A final reminder that Middle College applications are due MONDAY, Feb. 7!

A reminder to check your Semester 2 schedule in PowerSchool to make sure it is correct. If you need a schedule change please email your request to me jromero@shps.org and I will add it to a spreadsheet.
Your counselor will work their way down the spreadsheet and reach out to you via email, or call you to their office, to resolve your scheduling issues. Please, attend the classes shown on your schedule until you have heard from your counselor --even if they are not correct. Thank you for your patience!

Reminder: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are half days at the high school. School will dismiss at 11:05 a.m. The Boys and Girls Club will run from 11:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. the remainder of the week.

The Van Buren/Cass Health Department Dental Clinic at SHHS has been moved to Monday, March 14.