REMINDER: Fall Meet the Team Night will be tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 pm in Listiak Auditorium. All high school athletes and parents are encouraged to attend.
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
Block SH
Back to School Newsletter
over 2 years ago, Ryan Williamson
Back to School Newsletter
Parents of HS/MS Athletes: This message is to announce the adoption of FinalForms, an online forms & data management service. We are excited to begin using FinalForms and we ask for your help. PLEASE USE FINALFORMS TO REGISTER YOUR ATHLETE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You can find a complete article on our website at:
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
Just a reminder that all MS & HS athletes planning on playing a school-sponsored sport must have a completed physical to participate in the fall. Practices begin for HS sports on August 8, and for MS sports on August 22. You MUST have a physical on file at that time to be able to practice. You can find a copy of the MHSAA Physical document by going to:
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
fall sports
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
HealthBar Flyer
Just a reminder that all MS & HS athletes planning on playing a school-sponsored sport must have a completed physical to participate in the fall. Practices begin for HS sports on August 8, and for MS sports on August 22. You MUST have a physical on file at that time to be able to practice. You can find a copy of the MHSAA Physical document by going to:
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
Sports Physicals
REMINDER: SHHS will be hosting sports physicals next Wednesday evening. See the attached flyer. Physicals are REQUIRED to play school-sponsored sports and this may be the easiest way to get it done.
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
HealthBar Flyer
You can find a listing of start information for South Haven Fall Sports by going to We will be updating this information as the times and locations become available. Please remember that all athletes wishing to participate in school-sponsored athletics MUST have a completed physical.
over 2 years ago, Adam Verseput
fall sports
UPDATE: Breakfast hours at South Haven High School have been extended to 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM, Monday through Friday! Don't miss this delicious daily meal. Full summer offerings can be found on our website at
over 2 years ago, Becca Teunissen
Summer Hours for the Administration Building 554 Green Street June 13 - August 5 M: 8:00 - 4:30 PM T: 8:00 - 4:30 PM W: 8:00 - 4:30 PM TH: 8:00 - 4:30 PM F: 8:00 - 12:00 PM
over 2 years ago, Becca Teunissen
South Haven High School will be hosting a physical night on Wednesday, July 27 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. The cost will be $40 and the service is provided by HealthBar. See the attached flyer for more details. Copies of the MHSAA Physical Form will be provided by SHPS.
almost 3 years ago, Adam Verseput
HealthBar Flyer
Just a reminder that all MS and HS athletes planning on playing a school-sponsored sport must have a completed physical to participate in the fall. You can find a copy of the MHSAA Physical document by going to: Bronson Sports Medicine also shared the following link with information on sports physicals and local resources: Finally, South Haven Athletics hopes to host a physical night at SHHS in July and will be releasing information as soon as it is available.
almost 3 years ago, Adam Verseput
Sports Physicals
Please view the following link to order SHHS Graduation pictures:
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Williamson
SHHS Graduation Pictures
almost 3 years ago, Adam Verseput
Please join us in celebrating the SHHS Class of 2022 in the Senior Car Parade prior to the Graduation Ceremony. The Senior Car Parade will begin at 1pm departing from SHHS (Elkenburg, Monroe, Water, Phoenix, Bailey) before arriving at Ratcliffe Field by 1:30pm. The Graduation Ceremony begins at 2pm at Ratcliffe Field. Go Rams!
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Williamson
SHHS Graduation:  Class of 2022
Summer Programming from South Haven Athletics This summer we are looking to make South Haven Athletics stronger, faster and better than ever before and we NEED YOU ALONG FOR THE RIDE. We want all of our athletes to participate in our summer strength and speed training workouts. MARK ON YOUR CALENDARS: Summer Ram Power strength and speed training will take place on Mondays, Wednesday & Thursdays throughout the summer from 5:00-7:30 pm in the SHHS weight room & gym. The program begins Monday, June 13. Please plan your work schedule and activities in advance so you can attend. This will include our Summer Ram Power Program and your own coaches’ sport-specific training. All South Haven athletic teams will be holding their summer programming in conjunction with our summer Ram Power Program. Our varsity coaches will be present in the weight room and attendance is requested and expected. All high school and middle school athletes, regardless of sport or gender, are encouraged to attend.
almost 3 years ago, Adam Verseput
Summer Ram Power
SHHS Prom is Saturday, May 7th at Lake Avesta Farms 7 - 10pm Tickets are $25 each or $45 per couple, purchased in the HS main office Junior and Senior HS students only. Freshmen/Sophomore with a Junior/Senior invite permitted. Guest forms in the main office. Attendees will be subject to a breathalyzer test upon entry and exit.
almost 3 years ago, Becca Teunissen
Senior trip tickets to Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL on May 21 at 5pm until May 22 at 6:30am will now be available for purchase this coming Monday (4/25) in the HS Main Office. Tickets will be $50 and can be paid for in cash or by check, payable to “South Haven Public Schools”. Tickets will be for sale until next Friday (4/29). The first 50 students to sign up and pay will have a guaranteed seat on the bus. Additional details to follow the sign-up and pay period. If you have any further questions please contact the HS Main Office.
almost 3 years ago, Becca Teunissen
Senior Traditions `22
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Williamson
Senior Traditions
There is a REQUIRED Florida trip meeting for Band and Orchestra students tonight at 6:30pm in Listiak Auditorium. Anyone planning on attending the trip to Florida/Universal/Disney is required to attend.
almost 3 years ago, Jenny Romero, Student Services Secretary