Just a reminder that all students planning on playing a winter sport at the MS or HS level MUST be registered completely in FinalForms. That means when you log on to the program, your student's box is GREEN and says "Eligible!" For more info go to:https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/800654

This week is parent/teacher conferences for the high school. The conferences are Wednesday and Thursday evening 5-8pm and Friday afternoon 12-2:30 (students are dismissed at 11:05 on Friday).

Winter sports are just around the corner. In order to play school-sponsored sports at the HS or MS level, your child must:
1) Have a completed physical done on or after April 15, 2022
2) Be registered in FinalForms. See this link for more information: https://southhavenmi.sites.thrillshare.com/o/athletics/article/800654

Dear South Haven Community,
In an effort to make sure that young students are not left at the football game unsupervised, and to avoid blocking traffic at the front gate of Ratcliffe, we have made a few minor changes to the logistics of this Friday’s (10/7) Homecoming Parade.
The parade will begin downtown in the public parking area near the intersection of Kalamazoo and Huron Streets (in front of Black River Books). Participants should begin lining up at 5:15 pm. The parade will begin at 5:30 pm.
The parade will finish on Prospect Street outside of Ratcliffe Field, across the street from Hartman Historical Society Building, at approximately 5:50 pm. South Haven Police will temporarily close down Prospect Street to allow vehicles to unload their participants and disperse. Parents should pick up their students from Prospect when the parade is finished, and anyone planning on going to the game may enter through the front gate. Admission for the game is $5 per adult and $1 for students. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed admission without a parent or other supervising adult.
Thank you.

FAFSA Information for Families with Seniors

🎓 Senior Info 🎓
Attention SHHS Families with a 2023 Graduate: here is some information for ordering from Jostens. There are order forms in the Main Office as well.

SIGNUP INFORMATION FOR LITTLE RAMS GIRLS BASKETBALL: The program is available to girls in K thru 5th grade. Sign-ups will be held in the South Haven High School Cafeteria on Monday, October 10 and Thursday, October 13 from from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. THERE WILL BE NO LATE SIGN UPS!!!!!! Cost is $50.00 per player, cash or check only.
For more information go to: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/855558

We now have a FinalForms button on our South Haven Athletics Homepage!!! Just a reminder that all students wishing to play MS or HS sports this winter (and beyond) must be completely registered through FinalForms. For more info see: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/800654

SHHS Homecoming Dance Information- Oct. 8th

SHHS Homecoming Celebration - Oct. 3-7

Sports Parents -- If you have a an athlete, or a planning on playing a winter sport please register your child on Final Forms. Registration through FinalForms will be MANDATORY for all HS & MS winter athletes. You can find a complete article on our website at: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/800654

Reminder: School Picture Retakes are tomorrow Friday, September 9.

Sports Parents -- If you have a HS or MS fall athlete, or an athlete that plans to play sports this winter, please register your child on Final Forms. You can find a complete article on our website at: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/800654

Reminder - we can't wait to see you and your student tonight at Open House! Please contact your student's building office with any questions.
August 25, 2022
4:30 - 6:00 PM
Located: Your child's school building

Fall Sports Picture Day -- Will be THIS Friday, August 26 for both MS and HS teams. Picture schedules have already been sent to coaches. Picture forms are now available (thru coaches and at Meet the Team Night) and photos can also be ordered online at: https://store.geskusphoto.com/search/4084NZGWNGUDNG

Due to construction at SHHS, we are forced to reschedule the senior reserved parking spot painting to a later date in September. We will let you know as soon as a new date is available.

Dear Sports Parents -- South Haven Athletics wants you to be aware of our new transportation policy. There is a state-wide shortage of bus drivers and we want to make sure we are transparent in sharing our plan for the coming athletic year:
Recent driver shortages continue to make transportation for athletic events very difficult. In anticipation of continuing shortages, we have modified our transportation policy for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.
Whenever possible, South Haven Athletics will transport our athletes by school bus. We believe it is the safest and most convenient option for travel. However, it is very possible that we will not be able to provide busing in some circumstances.
Rather than completely leave transportation up to individuals and their parents, when busing is not available South Haven Athletics would like to arrange ride sharing in advance. We will attempt to utilize willing and able parents, coaches and other adults to provide transportation to and from athletic contests. South Haven Athletics will make every effort to organize this carpooling before the season begins. If you are able and willing to assist your athlete’s team, and have a safe driving record, we sincerely appreciate your help.
Students may NOT drive themselves to contests. Any parent who is uncomfortable with their athlete riding with another adult always has the option of providing their own transportation.
We realize this is not ideal, but South Haven Athletic is dedicated to making athletic transportation as safe and convenient as possible given the circumstances. Thank you.

Fall Sports Picture Day -- Will be Friday, August 26. Picture schedules have already been sent to coaches. Picture forms are now available (thru coaches and at Meet the Team Night) and photos can also be ordered online at:

REMINDER: Fall Meet the Team Night will be tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 pm in Listiak Auditorium. All high school athletes and parents are encouraged to attend.

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